Lithuanian Passport for Leya Yudelman and Children

Shows my Mothers name and Uncle were included on the same passport application dated 1936. Leyas husband left in 1937.

Passport application was made in Kretenga 

Lithuanian permission to leave for Africa was granted 2 March 1939. Permission to pass through the Uk had already been  granted 21 Feb 1939

 Permission to pass though South Africa on route to Southern Rhodesia only given 21 Feb 1939. By the 7 Mar 1939 they had sailed into Dover England, leaving two days later.

Before they got to England they needed a visa to pass through Germany to board a ship for Dover. Granted 31 Feb 1939.

My Grandfather David Yudelman managed to save enough money over two years in his new home in Southern Rhodesia to bring his family out of Lithuania. I am proud to be named after him.


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