Ancestors and Descendants of the Fisher Family


First Generation  Next

1. Shimkha HIRSOWITZ was born circa 1815 in Lithuania and died before 1865.

Shimkha married someone.

His child was:

+ 2    i. Mordechai HIRSOWITZ was born in 1842 in Meiliskiai, Grinkiskis, Lithuania, died on 27 Mar 1907 in Meiliskiai, Grinkiskis, Lithuania, aged 65, and was buried on 30 Mar 1907 in Grinkiskis Jewish cemetery.


previous  Second Generation  Next

2. Mordechai HIRSOWITZ (Shimkha1) was born in 1842 in Meiliskiai, Grinkiskis, Lithuania, died on 27 Mar 1907 in Meiliskiai, Grinkiskis, Lithuania, aged 65, and was buried on 30 Mar 1907 in Grinkiskis Jewish cemetery. The cause of his death was Fire. Another name for Mordechai was Mordkhel GIRSHOVICH.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Cause of Death: Burned in own home fire.

Mordechai married Khiena Jessie before 1865 in Lithuania. Khiena was born in 1847 in Meiliskiai, Grinkiskis, Lithuania, died on 27 Mar 1907 in Meiliskiai, Grinkiskis, Lithuania, aged 60, and was buried on 30 Mar 1907 in Grinkiskis Jewish cemetery. The cause of her death was Fire.

Noted events in her life were:

1. Cause of Death: Burned in own home fire.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 3    i. Meyer Simcha HIRSOWITZ was born in 1865 in Grinkiskis, Kaunas, Kaunas, Lithuania, died on 18 Oct 1931 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, aged 66, and was buried on 20 Oct 1931 in Brixton Cemetery, Johannesburg.


previous  Third Generation  Next

3. Meyer Simcha HIRSOWITZ (Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born in 1865 in Grinkiskis, Kaunas, Kaunas, Lithuania, died on 18 Oct 1931 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, aged 66, and was buried on 20 Oct 1931 in Brixton Cemetery, Johannesburg. Another name for Meyer was Meer.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Death Notice: National Archives of South Africa.

Meyer married Annie Chaya VALDMAN, daughter of Eber Abraham VALDMAN and Rayza Reicha KHAIT, on 26 Jul 1888 in Veliuona, (Seredzius), Kaunas, Kaunas, Lithuania. Annie was born on 20 Feb 1862 in Veliuona, Kaunas, Kaunas, Lithuania, died on 17 Jul 1932 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, aged 70, and was buried on 18 Jul 1932 in Brixton Cemetery, Johannesburg. Other names for Annie were Khaen Enta, Yenta, and Chayke WALDMAN.

Noted events in her life were:

1. Death Notice: National Archives of South Africa.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 4    i. Morris Moshe Dov HIRSOWITZ was born in 1890 in Kovno, Lithuania, died on 29 Jul 1920 in Benoni, Gauteng, South Africa, aged 30, and was buried in Benoni Cemetery, Benoni.

+ 5    ii. Abraham HIRSOWITZ was born on 3 Aug 1891 in Grinkiskis, Kaunas, Kaunas, Lithuania, died on 4 Oct 1912 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, aged 21, and was buried in Braamfontein Cemetery, Johannesburg.

+ 6    iii. Charles Yechezkel HIRSOWITZ was born on 29 Nov 1892 in Grinkiskis, Kaunas, Kaunas, Lithuania, died on 28 Aug 1971 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, aged 78, and was buried in West Park Cemetery, Johannesburg.

+ 7    iv. Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ was born in 1895 in Veliuona, (Seredzius), Kaunas, Kaunas, Lithuania, died on 19 Jun 1948 in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa, aged 53, and was buried in North End Cemetery, Port Elizabeth.

+ 8    v. Sarah HIRSOWITZ was born in 1896 in Kowno, Kaunas, Kaunas, Lithuania, died on 14 Jun 1960 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, aged 64, and was buried in West Park Cemetery, Johannesburg.


previous  Fourth Generation  Next

4. Morris Moshe Dov HIRSOWITZ (Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born in 1890 in Kovno, Lithuania, died on 29 Jul 1920 in Benoni, Gauteng, South Africa, aged 30, and was buried in Benoni Cemetery, Benoni. The cause of his death was Motorbike Accident. Another name for Morris was Barney.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Death: 29 Jul 1920, Benoni Cemetery, Benoni. Died in a motorbike accident.

2. Death Notice: National Archives of South Africa.

Morris married Lily GOLDMAN on 11 May 1914 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa. Lily was born in 1898 in Kovno, Lithuania, died on 4 Jul 1943 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, aged 45, and was buried on 5 Jul 1943 in West Park Cemetery, Johannesburg. Another name for Lily was GOLLAN.

Noted events in their marriage were:

1. Marriage Certificate: National Archives of South Africa.

Noted events in her life were:

1. Buried: 4 Jul 1943, West Park Cemetery, Johannesburg.

2. Death Notice: National Archives of South Africa, 4 Jul 1943.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 9    i. Abe HIRSOWITZ was born on 16 Dec 1915 in Benoni, Gauteng, South Africa, died on 10 Dec 1982 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, aged 66, and was buried in West Park Cemetery, Johannesburg.

+ 10    ii. Isadore HERSON was born on 26 Nov 1919 in Benoni, Gauteng, South Africa, died on 25 Aug 1992 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, aged 72, and was buried on 26 Aug 1992 in West Park Cemetery, Johannesburg.

5. Abraham HIRSOWITZ (Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 3 Aug 1891 in Grinkiskis, Kaunas, Kaunas, Lithuania, died on 4 Oct 1912 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, aged 21, and was buried in Braamfontein Cemetery, Johannesburg. Another name for Abraham was Avram GIRSHOVICH. He had no known marriage and no known children.

6. Charles Yechezkel HIRSOWITZ (Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 29 Nov 1892 in Grinkiskis, Kaunas, Kaunas, Lithuania, died on 28 Aug 1971 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, aged 78, and was buried in West Park Cemetery, Johannesburg. Another name for Charles was Khatskel GIRSHOVICH.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Alt. Birth: 16 Nov 1892, Grinkiskis, Kaunas, Kaunas, Lithuania. Lithuania Births records differ from family records

2. Naturalized: 1907, Transvaal.

3. Buried: 28 Aug 1971, West Park Cemetery, Johannesburg.

Charles married Mary Tilly Toiba GORE, daughter of Menachim Mendel Leib GORE and Chana Annie GOLDSTEIN, on 5 Oct 1915 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa. Mary was born on 27 Mar 1894 in Lithuania, died on 8 Sep 1958 in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa, aged 64, and was buried in North End Cemetery, Port Elizabeth.

Noted events in their marriage were:

1. Marriage Register: National Archives of South Africa.

Noted events in her life were:

1. Buried: 8 Sep 1958, North End Cemetery, Port Elizabeth.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 11    i. Harry Tzvi Hirsh HIRSOWITZ was born on 28 Mar 1918 in Benoni, Gauteng, South Africa, died on 5 Jan 1969 in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa, aged 50, and was buried in North End Cemetery, Port Elizabeth.

+ 12    ii. Renee HIRSOWITZ was born on 19 Sep 1919 in Benoni, Gauteng, South Africa, died on 28 Jan 1999 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, aged 79, and was buried in West Park Cemetery, Johannesburg.

7. Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ (Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born in 1895 in Veliuona, (Seredzius), Kaunas, Kaunas, Lithuania, died on 19 Jun 1948 in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa, aged 53, and was buried in North End Cemetery, Port Elizabeth. The cause of her death was Gastric Ulcer.

Noted events in her life were:

1. Home Town: 1915, Grahamstown, Eastern Cape, South Africa.
Occupied c 1910 to 1930
The Fisher Family house 80 years ago
Morris with Jessie and Golda

2. Buried: 19 Jun 1948, North End Cemetery, Port Elizabeth.

3. Death Notice: National Archives of South Africa.

4. Home Town: 2007, Grahamstown, Eastern Cape, South Africa. Back to our Roots Trip - Picture taken by Morris, accompanied by his younger brother Sydney.

Rachel married Samuel FISHER, son of Israel FISCHER and Mary Mariasha FINKELSTEIN, on 5 May 1912 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa. Samuel was born in May 1879 in Padubysis, Raseiniai, Kaunas Lithuania, died on 21 Jul 1954 in Uitenhage, Eastern Cape, South Africa, aged 75, and was buried in North End Cemetery, Port Elizabeth. The cause of his death was Natural.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Immigrated: 1899, Boston, Massachusetts.
He went to Boston to visit his sister as seen on his Ellis Island Manifest.His son's Sydney and Morris both confirmed this trip..See Sydney's family picture album .which is shown with the handwritten note.It does say he left for South Africa and arrived in 1902. Records show the correct date was 1904.

2. Immigrated: 1904, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa.

3. Holiday: Ellis island manifest, 10 Jun 1906, New York, New York, USA. Declared his last residence as South Africa. Was visting his friend Harvey Hillman at 145 E53rd St, New York.

4. Employment: Bef 1910, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa. Started the Johannesburg Fresh Meat Supply Company Ltd. Had a partner Friedman.

5. Home Town: 1910, Grahamstown, Eastern Cape, South Africa. Occupied c 1910 to 1930
The Fisher Family house 80 years ago
Morris with Jessie and Golda

6. Death Information: National Archives of South Africa, 1954.

7. Buried: 21 Jul 1954, North End Cemetery, Port Elizabeth.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 13    i. Jessie FISHER was born on 17 Mar 1913 in Heidelberg, Gauteng, South Africa, died on 24 Feb 1986 in Beer-Sheva, Negev, Israel, aged 72, and was buried in Kibbutz Nirim, Negev, Israel.

+ 14    ii. Max FISHER was born on 18 Sep 1914 in Heidelberg, Gauteng, South Africa, died on 28 Sep 1980 in East London, Eastern Cape, South Africa, aged 66, and was buried in Cambridge Cemetery, East London.

+ 15    iii. Isadore FISHER was born on 1 Aug 1916 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, died on 14 Aug 1916 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, and was buried in Braamfontein Cemetery, Johannesburg.

+ 16    iv. Golda FISHER was born on 1 Dec 1917 in Heidelberg, Gauteng, South Africa, died on 22 Nov 1998 in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa, aged 80, and was buried in North End Cemetery, Port Elizabeth.

+ 17    v. Morris Bernard FISHER was born on 18 Sep 1924 in Grahamstown, Eastern Cape, South Africa, died on 7 Nov 2010 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, aged 86, and was buried on 8 Nov 2010 in West Park Cemetery, Johannesburg.

+ 18    vi. Sylvia FISHER was born on 17 Aug 1928 in Grahamstown, Eastern Cape, South Africa.

+ 19    vii. Sydney Mervyn FISHER was born on 16 Jan 1935 in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa, died on 25 Feb 2019 in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa, aged 84, and was buried on 26 Feb 2019 in North End Cemetery, Port Elizabeth.

8. Sarah HIRSOWITZ (Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born in 1896 in Kowno, Kaunas, Kaunas, Lithuania, died on 14 Jun 1960 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, aged 64, and was buried in West Park Cemetery, Johannesburg.

Noted events in her life were:

1. Buried: 14 Jun 1960, West Park Cemetery, Johannesburg.

Sarah married Isaac BENNETT, son of Avraham Benzion CHAIT and Ethel Leah, on 20 Jan 1914 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa. Isaac was born in 1889 in Villa Ros, Estonia, died on 29 May 1954 in Springs, Gauteng, South Africa, aged 65, and was buried in Springs Cemetery, Springs. Other names for Isaac were Yitschak BenTsiyon and CHAIT.

Noted events in their marriage were:

1. Marriage Certificate: National Archives of South Africa.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Immigrated: Australia.

2. Immigrated: South Africa. Came from Australia

3. Buried: 29 May 1954, Springs Cemetery, Springs.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 20    i. Rosie BENNETT was born on 4 Jul 1915 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, died on 5 Sep 1992 in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, aged 77, and was buried in Macquarie Park Cemetery, Sydney.

+ 21    ii. Beatie Beatrice BENNETT was born on 14 Dec 1917 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, died on 9 Jun 2008 in Durban, Natal, South Africa, aged 90, and was buried in Redhill Cemetery, Durban.

+ 22    iii. Mavis BENNETT was born on 16 Jun 1924 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, died on 17 Aug 2017 in Perth, Western Australia, Australia, aged 93, and was buried in Karrakatta Cemetery, Perth.


previous  Fifth Generation  Next

9. Abe HIRSOWITZ (Morris Moshe Dov4, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 16 Dec 1915 in Benoni, Gauteng, South Africa, died on 10 Dec 1982 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, aged 66, and was buried in West Park Cemetery, Johannesburg. Other names for Abe were Abraham and HERSON.

Abe married Molly KULWINSKY about 1940 in South Africa. Molly was born on 25 May 1919 in Lithuania, died on 11 Sep 1990 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, aged 71, and was buried on 13 Sep 1990 in West Park Cemetery, Johannesburg. The cause of her death was Chronic Bronchitis. Another name for Molly was Malka b. Aaron.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 23    i. Arlette Lynn HIRSOWITZ was born in 1952 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, died on 19 Jan 1966 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, aged 14, and was buried in West Park Cemetery, Johannesburg.

+ 24    ii. Leslie Anne HIRSOWITZ was born on 24 Aug 1953 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

10. Isadore HERSON (Morris Moshe Dov4, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 26 Nov 1919 in Benoni, Gauteng, South Africa, died on 25 Aug 1992 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, aged 72, and was buried on 26 Aug 1992 in West Park Cemetery, Johannesburg.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Change of Name: 1972, South Africa. Application for change of surname in terms of the act from Hirsowitz to Herson.
Ref-National Archives of South Africa

2. Buried: 26 Nov 1992, West Park Cemetery, Johannesburg.

Isadore married Gerty Ethel DAVIS on 13 Aug 1944 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa. Gerty was born on 11 Oct 1924 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, died on 28 Jun 2021 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, aged 96, and was buried on 29 Jun 2021 in West Park Cemetery, Johannesburg. Another name for Gerty was Gertie.

Noted events in her life were:

1. Burial: 29 Jun 2021, West Park Cemetery, Johannesburg.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 25    i. Mervyn L. HERSON was born on 16 Sep 1946 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

+ 26    ii. Loraine HERSON was born on 1 Dec 1947 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

+ 27    iii. Stanley HERSON was born on 11 Feb 1951 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

+ 28    iv. Adele HERSON was born on 1 Mar 1958 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

+ 29    v. Lawrence HERSON was born on 29 Sep 1961 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

+ 30    vi. Carol HERSON was born on 6 May 1964 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

11. Harry Tzvi Hirsh HIRSOWITZ (Charles Yechezkel6, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 28 Mar 1918 in Benoni, Gauteng, South Africa, died on 5 Jan 1969 in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa, aged 50, and was buried in North End Cemetery, Port Elizabeth.

Harry married Rosie PORT on 19 Oct 1941. Rosie was born on 10 Feb 1920 in King Williamstown , Eastern Cape, South Africa, died on 7 Apr 1989 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, aged 69, and was buried in West Park Cemetery, Johannesburg.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 31    i. Isabel HIRSOWITZ was born on 14 Mar 1945 in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa.

+ 32    ii. Anita HIRSOWITZ was born on 25 Jan 1947 in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa.

12. Renee HIRSOWITZ (Charles Yechezkel6, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 19 Sep 1919 in Benoni, Gauteng, South Africa, died on 28 Jan 1999 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, aged 79, and was buried in West Park Cemetery, Johannesburg.

Noted events in her life were:

1. Burial: 28 Jan 1999, West Park Cemetery, Johannesburg.

Renee married Arnold Abraham BABROW, son of Frank BABROW and Mary Mera SHUWAL, before 1944. The marriage ended in divorce in 1954. Arnold was born on 23 Jul 1917 in Smithfield, Free State, South Africa, died on 5 Oct 1956 in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa, aged 39, and was buried in Indian Ocean. The cause of his death was Drowning.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Died: Drowning in sea, 5 Oct 1956, Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa. Not buried at North End Cemetery, so presumed lost at sea.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 33    i. Brenda BABROW was born on 29 Oct 1944 in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa.

+ 34    ii. Selwyn Mervin BABROW was born on 15 Nov 1949 in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa, died on 11 Nov 1956 in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa, aged 6, and was buried in North End Cemetery, Port Elizabeth.

Renee next married Michael SHARTIN before 1966. The marriage ended in divorce in 1966. Michael was born on 3 May 1912 in South Africa, died on 13 Aug 1974 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, aged 62, and was buried in West Park Cemetery, Johannesburg.

Renee next married Solly Morris SIMMONS on 19 Dec 1969. Solly was born on 21 Jul 1912 in South Africa, died on 12 Feb 1998 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, aged 85, and was buried on 13 Feb 1998 in West Park Cemetery, Johannesburg. They had no children.

13. Jessie FISHER (Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 17 Mar 1913 in Heidelberg, Gauteng, South Africa, died on 24 Feb 1986 in Beer-Sheva, Negev, Israel, aged 72, and was buried in Kibbutz Nirim, Negev, Israel. Another name for Jessie was Jay.

Noted events in her life were:

1. Immigrated: Abt 1966, Israel.

2. Buried: 24 Feb 1986, Kibbutz Nirim, Negev, Israel.

Jessie married Theodore Harris LEVY, son of Abraham Elias LEVY and Ray HARRIS, on 14 Aug 1938 in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa. Theodore was born on 6 Dec 1902 in Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa, died on 11 Aug 1982 in Beer-Sheva, Negev, Israel, aged 79, and was buried in Kibbutz Nirim, Negev, Israel. Another name for Theodore was Theo.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Immigrated: Israel.

2. Siblings:
Leopold Ferdinand Levy
Elkan Alexander Levy
Herbert Marshal Levy

3. Buried: 11 Aug 1982, Kibbutz Nirim, Negev, Israel.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 35    i. Raymond David LEVY was born on 27 Feb 1941 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, died on 28 Nov 1966 in Kibbutz Maayan Baruch, Upper Galilee, Israel, aged 25, and was buried in Kibbutz Maayan Baruch, Upper Galilee, Israel.

+ 36    ii. Denise Adele LEVY was born on 18 Sep 1944 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

+ 37    iii. Leonore Rachelle LEVY was born on 24 Sep 1948 in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa.

14. Max FISHER (Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 18 Sep 1914 in Heidelberg, Gauteng, South Africa, died on 28 Sep 1980 in East London, Eastern Cape, South Africa, aged 66, and was buried in Cambridge Cemetery, East London.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Buried: 28 Sep 1980, Cambridge Cemetery, East London.

Max married Ruby AARONS, daughter of Louis AARONS and Bertha CASTLE, on 29 Jan 1939 in East London, Eastern Cape, South Africa. Ruby was born on 15 Feb 1917 in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa, died on 23 Apr 2007 in Los Angeles, California, USA, aged 90, and was buried in Mount Sinai Memorial Park, Hollywood Hills.

Noted events in her life were:

1. Wedding: 29 Jan 1939, East London, Eastern Cape, South Africa.
Max and Ruby Fisher wedding, first bridesmaid right Carmen, then Eunice but don't know the flowergirl

Children from this marriage were:

+ 38    i. Yale Aarons FISHER was born on 15 Jun 1945 in East London, Eastern Cape, South Africa.

+ 39    ii. Judith Heide FISHER was born on 29 Jan 1947 in East London, Eastern Cape, South Africa.

15. Isadore FISHER (Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 1 Aug 1916 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, died on 14 Aug 1916 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, and was buried in Braamfontein Cemetery, Johannesburg. The cause of his death was Enteritis.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Buried: 14 Aug 1916, Braamfontein Cemetery, Johannesburg.

16. Golda FISHER (Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 1 Dec 1917 in Heidelberg, Gauteng, South Africa, died on 22 Nov 1998 in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa, aged 80, and was buried in North End Cemetery, Port Elizabeth.

Noted events in her life were:

1. Buried: 22 Nov 1998, North End Cemetery, Port Elizabeth.

Golda married Morrie Moshe Eliyahu BRAUDE, son of Yisrael Meir BRAUDE, on 5 Nov 1937 in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa. Morrie was born on 15 Mar 1909 in Siauliai, Siauliai, Kaunas, Lithuania, died on 17 Feb 1981 in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa, aged 71, and was buried in North End Cemetery, Port Elizabeth. They had no children.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Buried: 17 Feb 1981, North End Cemetery, Port Elizabeth.

17. Morris Bernard FISHER (Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 18 Sep 1924 in Grahamstown, Eastern Cape, South Africa, died on 7 Nov 2010 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, aged 86, and was buried on 8 Nov 2010 in West Park Cemetery, Johannesburg. Another name for Morris was Moody.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Immigrated: 1950, Bulawayo, Matabeleland, Rhodesia. Left Port Elizabeth to run a bioscope for Schlesinger Films.

2. Immigrated: 1952, Nairobi, Kenya. Worked for Schlesinger Films, running a bioscope, and did independent work for Pathe News and Movietone Films covering the Mau-mau uprising in Kenya.

3. Immigrated: 1953, Bulawayo, Matabeleland, Rhodesia. After his father in law died he returned to Bulawayo to run the bicycle shop.

4. Home Town: 2007, Grahamstown, Eastern Cape, South Africa. (Witness)

5. Funeral Eulogy: 8 Nov 2010, West Park Cemetery, Johannesburg. MORRIS FISHER


AGE- 86













Morris married Shulamith YUDELMAN, daughter of David Meyer YUDELMAN and Leya KLOTZ, on 17 Feb 1952 in Bulawayo, Matabeleland, Rhodesia. Shulamith was born on 20 Oct 1932 in Skuodas, Telsiai, Kaunas, Lithuania, died on 29 Jun 2023 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, aged 90, and was buried on 30 Jun 2023 in West Park Cemetery, Johannesburg.

Noted events in their marriage were:

1. Marriage: Ketuba, Abercorn Street Shul, Bulawayo.

2. Marriage: Guild Hall, Bulawayo, Matabeleland, Rhodesia.

Noted events in her life were:

1. Birth: 20 Oct 1932, Skuodas, Telsiai, Kaunas, Lithuania.

2. Immigrated: Lithuanian Passport, Mar 1939, South Africa.

3. Ship - Carnarvon Castle: Childrens Dinner Menu, 17 Mar 1939, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa.
From Dover to Cape Town in transit to Southern Rhodesia.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 40    i. David Samuel FISHER was born on 11 Sep 1954 in Bulawayo, Matabeleland, Rhodesia.

+ 41    ii. Michael Isadore FISHER was born on 25 Dec 1957 in Bulawayo, Matabeleland, Rhodesia.

+ 42    iii. Beverley Rachelle FISHER was born on 6 Oct 1961 in Bulawayo, Matabeleland, Rhodesia.

18. Sylvia FISHER (Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 17 Aug 1928 in Grahamstown, Eastern Cape, South Africa. Another name for Sylvia was Bubbles.

Sylvia married Gerry Isaac Derby ROBERTS on 26 Dec 1954 in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa. Gerry was born on 6 Jun 1928 in Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa, died on 8 Apr 2012 in Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa, aged 83, and was buried on 12 Apr 2012 in Pinelands 2 Cemetery, Cape Town. Another name for Gerry was Gerald Gershon.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Buried: Pinelands Cemetery, Cape Town.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 43    i. Steven Ivan ROBERTS was born on 23 Nov 1955 in Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa.

+ 44    ii. Rael Leslie ROBERTS was born on 10 Dec 1956 in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa.

+ 45    iii. Alan Larry ROBERTS was born on 4 Sep 1962 in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa.

19. Sydney Mervyn FISHER (Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 16 Jan 1935 in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa, died on 25 Feb 2019 in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa, aged 84, and was buried on 26 Feb 2019 in North End Cemetery, Port Elizabeth. He had no known marriage and no known children.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Immigrated: Israel. Spent many years in Tel Aviv before returing to Port Elizabeth.

2. Internet Link: Picture album of the family. Memories of My Life and Family. 1000's of pictures, some of historic value are evident, and this is a small selection of family interest.


3. Home Town: 2007, Grahamstown, Eastern Cape, South Africa. (Witness)

20. Rosie BENNETT (Sarah HIRSOWITZ8, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 4 Jul 1915 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, died on 5 Sep 1992 in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, aged 77, and was buried in Macquarie Park Cemetery, Sydney. Another name for Rosie was Rose.

Noted events in her life were:

1. Immigrated: Israel.

Rosie married Cecil WHITE on 22 Dec 1948 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa. Cecil was born on 19 Jan 1918 in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, died on 10 Dec 1980 in Klerksdorp, North West, South Africa, aged 62, and was buried on 11 Dec 1980 in Klerksdorp, New Cemetery.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Immigrated: 1920, South Africa.

2. Buried: 11 Dec 1980, Klerksdorp, New Cemetery.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 46    i. Melanie WHITE was born on 3 Jun 1952 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

+ 47    ii. Ian Anthony WHITE was born on 1 Jan 1956 in Springs, Gauteng, South Africa.

21. Beatie Beatrice BENNETT (Sarah HIRSOWITZ8, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 14 Dec 1917 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, died on 9 Jun 2008 in Durban, Natal, South Africa, aged 90, and was buried in Redhill Cemetery, Durban.

Noted events in her life were:

1. Buried: 9 Jun 2008, Redhill Cemetery, Durban.

Beatie married Norman Abraham RATNER on 18 Oct 1936 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa. Norman was born on 1 Oct 1912 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, died on 8 Nov 1984 in Durban, Natal, South Africa, aged 72, and was buried in Redhill Cemetery, Durban.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Buried: 8 Nov 1984, Redhill Cemetery, Durban.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 48    i. Avrille Marcia RATNER was born on 20 Oct 1940 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

+ 49    ii. Michael Selwyn RATNER was born on 11 Aug 1943 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

22. Mavis BENNETT (Sarah HIRSOWITZ8, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 16 Jun 1924 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, died on 17 Aug 2017 in Perth, Western Australia, Australia, aged 93, and was buried in Karrakatta Cemetery, Perth.

Noted events in her life were:

1. Immigrated: Bulawayo, Matabeleland, Rhodesia.

2. Immigrated: Perth, Western Australia, Australia.

3. Buried: 17 Aug 2017, Karrakatta Cemetery, Perth.

Mavis married Barney FISHER, son of Max FISHER and Sophie, on 28 Nov 1943 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa. Barney was born on 24 Jul 1922 in Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa, died on 2 Jan 2018 in Perth, Western Australia, Australia, aged 95, and was buried in Karrakatta Cemetery, Perth.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Immigrated: Bulawayo, Matabeleland, Rhodesia. Spent over 20 years in Rhodesia, before returning to South Africa.

2. Immigrated: Perth, Western Australia, Australia.

3. Buried: 2 Jan 2018, Karrakatta Cemetery, Perth.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 50    i. Carol FISHER was born on 14 Sep 1947 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

+ 51    ii. Dr Laurence FISHER was born on 3 Nov 1952 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.


previous  Sixth Generation  Next

23. Arlette Lynn HIRSOWITZ (Abe9, Morris Moshe Dov4, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born in 1952 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, died on 19 Jan 1966 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, aged 14, and was buried in West Park Cemetery, Johannesburg. She had no known marriage and no known children.

24. Leslie Anne HIRSOWITZ (Abe9, Morris Moshe Dov4, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 24 Aug 1953 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

Noted events in her life were:

1. Immigrated: Livingston, New Jersey, USA.

Leslie married Dr David A. FEIN in USA. David was born on 23 Oct 1957 in New Jersey, USA.

25. Mervyn L. HERSON (Isadore10, Morris Moshe Dov4, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 16 Sep 1946 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Immigrated: Irvine, California, USA.

Mervyn married Sharon MAGNUS on 22 Aug in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa. Sharon was born in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

Noted events in her life were:

1. Immigrated: Irvine, California, USA.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 52    i. Kevin M. HERSON was born on 31 Jul 1973 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

+ 53    ii. Gary D. HERSON was born on 11 Oct 1975 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

+ 54    iii. Warren C. HERSON was born on 26 Jan 1977 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

26. Loraine HERSON (Isadore10, Morris Moshe Dov4, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 1 Dec 1947 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

Noted events in her life were:

1. Immigrated: Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Loraine married Allan GOLDIN on 15 Dec 1968 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa. Allan was born in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, died on 5 Nov 1998 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and was buried in Pardes Shalom Cemetery, Vaughan..

Noted events in his life were:

1. Immigrated: Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 55    i. Jarrod GOLDIN was born on 11 Mar 1970 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

+ 56    ii. Darren GOLDIN was born on 13 Dec 1971 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

+ 57    iii. Ryan GOLDIN was born on 8 Sep 1973 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

+ 58    iv. Kerry GOLDIN was born on 11 Feb 1977 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

27. Stanley HERSON (Isadore10, Morris Moshe Dov4, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 11 Feb 1951 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

28. Adele HERSON (Isadore10, Morris Moshe Dov4, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 1 Mar 1958 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

Noted events in her life were:

1. Immigrated: USA.

Adele married Lawrence Jack POSNER on 13 Jun in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa. Lawrence was born on 12 Sep 1956 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Immigrated: USA.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 59    i. Doron POSNER was born Known in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

+ 60    ii. Romy POSNER was born on 27 Aug 1985 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

+ 61    iii. Kira POSNER was born on 6 May 1990 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

29. Lawrence HERSON (Isadore10, Morris Moshe Dov4, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 29 Sep 1961 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Immigrated: Israel.

Lawrence married Ruti KSANTINI on 30 Jun 1990 in Tel Aviv, Gush Dan, Israel. Ruti was born on 27 Jun 1968 in Ramat Gan, Tel Aviv District, Israel.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 62    i. Lotan HERSON was born on 4 Dec 1990 in Kfar Saba, Sharon region, Israel.

+ 63    ii. Orin HERSON was born on 8 Aug 1995 in Netanya, Sharon plain, Israel.

+ 64    iii. Aylon HERSON was born on 6 May 2000 in Netanya, Sharon plain, Israel.

30. Carol HERSON (Isadore10, Morris Moshe Dov4, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 6 May 1964 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

Noted events in her life were:

1. Immigrated: 2012, Israel.

Carol married Danny BONI on 29 Oct 1989 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa. The marriage ended in divorce in 2001. Danny was born on 21 Mar 1963 in Ashdod, Southern District, Israel.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 65    i. Illan BONI was born on 19 Dec 1994 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

+ 66    ii. Sivan BONI was born on 10 Feb 1997 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

Carol next married Hilton PREEN on 30 Dec 2003 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa. The marriage ended in divorce. Hilton was born on 28 Mar 1967 in Zululand, Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa. They had no children.

31. Isabel HIRSOWITZ (Harry Tzvi Hirsh11, Charles Yechezkel6, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 14 Mar 1945 in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa. She had no known marriage and no known children.

32. Anita HIRSOWITZ (Harry Tzvi Hirsh11, Charles Yechezkel6, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 25 Jan 1947 in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa.

Anita married Denton Jack BASS on 9 Mar 1969 in South Africa. Denton was born on 12 May 1942 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 67    i. Darren Hylton BASS was born on 5 Mar 1971 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

+ 68    ii. Ryan Anton BASS was born on 15 Jan 1974 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

33. Brenda BABROW (Renee HIRSOWITZ12, Charles Yechezkel6, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 29 Oct 1944 in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa.

Noted events in her life were:

1. Immigrated: 1987, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Brenda married Colin BASKIND on 3 Jul 1966 in Pine st. Shul, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa. Colin was born on 20 Apr 1941 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Immigrated: 1987, Toronto, York, Ontario, Canada.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 69    i. Alana Mandy BASKIND was born on 5 Feb 1968 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

+ 70    ii. Stacey Lyn BASKIND was born on 26 Oct 1969 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

+ 71    iii. Clifford Mark BASKIND was born on 18 Sep 1972 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

34. Selwyn Mervin BABROW (Renee HIRSOWITZ12, Charles Yechezkel6, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 15 Nov 1949 in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa, died on 11 Nov 1956 in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa, aged 6, and was buried in North End Cemetery, Port Elizabeth. The cause of his death was Polio. Another name for Selwyn was Shlomo Meir.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Death: 11 Nov 1956, Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa. Died of polio.

35. Raymond David LEVY (Jessie FISHER13, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 27 Feb 1941 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, died on 28 Nov 1966 in Kibbutz Maayan Baruch, Upper Galilee, Israel, aged 25, and was buried in Kibbutz Maayan Baruch, Upper Galilee, Israel.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Immigrated: Abt 1961, Israel.

2. Cemetery: 28 Nov 1966, Kibbutz Maayan Baruch, Upper Galilee, Israel.

36. Denise Adele LEVY (Jessie FISHER13, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 18 Sep 1944 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa. Another name for Denise is Channah Peri.

Noted events in her life were:

1. Immigrated: Abt 1966, Israel.

Denise married Ronald Rafael POPPLEWELL, son of Frederick POPPLEWELL and Bertie Clara LEHN, on 6 May 1969 in Kibbutz Nirim, Negev, Israel. The marriage ended in divorce on 29 Dec 1992. Ronald was born on 17 Apr 1943 in Haifa, Northern Israel, Israel, died on 28 Dec 2004 in Kibbutz Nirim, Negev, Israel, aged 61, and was buried in Kibbutz Nirim Cemetery, Negev,.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Buried: 28 Dec 2004, Kibbutz Nirim Cemetery, Negev.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 72    i. Roi POPPLEWELL was born on 24 Dec 1969 in Beer-Sheva, Negev, Israel, died on 7 Oct 2023 in Kibbutz Nirim, Negev, Israel, aged 53, and was buried in Kibbutz, Northern Israel, Israel.

+ 73    ii. Nadav POPPLEWELL was born on 1 Apr 1972 in Beer-Sheva, Negev, Israel.

+ 74    iii. Ayelet POPPLEWELL was born on 30 May 1977 in Beer-Sheva, Negev, Israel.

37. Leonore Rachelle LEVY (Jessie FISHER13, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 24 Sep 1948 in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa. Another name for Leonore is Lee.

Noted events in her life were:

1. Immigrated: abt 1966, Israel.

2. Immigrated: USA.

Leonore married Pierre LEVY on 29 Dec 1971 in Shalom Tower Hotel, Tel Aviv, Israel. The marriage ended in divorce. Pierre was born in France. They had no children.

Leonore next married Petar Nicholas ARMBRUSTER in 2001 in New Jersey, USA. Petar was born on 3 Feb 1941 in Yugoslavia and died on 8 Nov 2023 in Hamilton Township, Mercer County, New Jersey, aged 82. They had no children.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Immigrated: 1951, USA. Petar immigrated to the U.S. from the former Soviet-contolled country of Yugoslavia as a "stateless" post-war refugee in 1951 at the age of 10.

38. Yale Aarons FISHER (Max FISHER14, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 15 Jun 1945 in East London, Eastern Cape, South Africa.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Immigrated: USA.

Yale married Linda A. KATZ in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa. Linda was born in 1952 in South Africa.

Noted events in her life were:

1. Immigrated: USA.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 75    i. Oliver B. FISHER was born on 25 Nov 1977 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

+ 76    ii. Julia E. FISHER was born on 17 Feb 1980 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

+ 77    iii. Nicholas FISHER was born on 25 Jul 1984 in London, England.

39. Judith Heide FISHER (Max FISHER14, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 29 Jan 1947 in East London, Eastern Cape, South Africa.

Noted events in her life were:

1. Immigrated: 1970, Reading, PA, USA.

Judith married Dr Don K. KARABELNIK, son of Lazaris Lozer KARABELNIK and Shulamith Sonia LEWIN, on 1 Mar 1970 in East London, Eastern Cape, South Africa. Don was born on 26 May 1945 in Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Career: Graduated from the University of Cape Town, Faculty of Medicine, in 1969.

2. Immigrated: 1970, Reading, PA, USA.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 78    i. Dr Lisa KARABELNIK was born on 11 Dec 1970 in Pennsylvania, USA.

+ 79    ii. Garron KARABELNIK was born on 6 Dec 1973 in Pennsylvania, USA.

+ 80    iii. Yael KARABELNIK was born on 24 Oct 1975 in Pennsylvania, USA.

40. David Samuel FISHER (Morris Bernard FISHER17, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 11 Sep 1954 in Bulawayo, Matabeleland, Rhodesia.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Immigrated: 1981, South Africa.

2. Who is David ?: Dave's Interests.

3. Davids Home Town -: Bulawayo.

David married Rhonda DAIKLIKER, daughter of Dr Selby DAIKLIKER and Sadie Lily MELTZ, on 9 Nov 1983 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa. The marriage ended in divorce in 1991. Rhonda was born on 9 Nov 1956 in Bloemfontein, Free State, South Africa.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 81    i. Shani Lee FISHER was born on 2 Apr 1988 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

David next married Brenda SARZIN, daughter of Louis SARZIN and Dora Devorah LITVIN, on 14 Mar 1993 in Johannessburg, South Africa. Brenda was born on 9 Sep 1957 in Springs, Gauteng, South Africa, died on 23 Jul 2023 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, aged 65, and was buried on 23 Jul 2023 in West Park Cemetery, Johannesburg.

Noted events in her life were:

1. Inheritance: Singer Sewing Machine.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 82    i. Bianca Lara FISHER was born on 21 May 1994 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

+ 83    ii. Talia Devorah FISHER was born on 21 May 1994 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

41. Michael Isadore FISHER (Morris Bernard FISHER17, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 25 Dec 1957 in Bulawayo, Matabeleland, Rhodesia.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Immigrated: Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

Michael married Shereen COHEN, daughter of Barney COHEN and Julia Ester BLOCH, on 14 Feb 1982 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa. Shereen was born on 19 Feb 1960 in Rustenberg, North West, South Africa.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 84    i. Bradley Lance FISHER was born on 23 Jan 1987 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

+ 85    ii. Leora FISHER was born on 2 Sep 1993 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

+ 86    iii. Tanya FISHER was born on 5 Aug 1998 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

42. Beverley Rachelle FISHER (Morris Bernard FISHER17, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 6 Oct 1961 in Bulawayo, Matabeleland, Rhodesia.

Noted events in her life were:

1. Immigrated: Los Angeles, California, USA.

Beverley married Colin SHORKEND, son of Stanley SHORKEND and Rita BORNSTEIN, on 17 Jun 1990 in Los Angeles, California, USA. Colin was born on 3 Jan 1960 in Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 87    i. Cydney Lea SHORKEND was born on 18 Aug 1992 in Los Angeles, California, USA.

+ 88    ii. Erin Rose SHORKEND was born on 25 May 1995 in Los Angeles, California, USA.

43. Steven Ivan ROBERTS (Sylvia FISHER18, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 23 Nov 1955 in Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Immigrated: Norway.

Steven married Inger JOHANNESEN in 1981 in Denmark. The marriage ended in divorce in 1991. Inger was born in Moss, Norway.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 89    i. Martine ROBERTS was born on 28 Jul 1983 in Moss, Norway.

+ 90    ii. Pernille ROBERTS was born on 22 Jul 1988 in Moss, Norway.

44. Rael Leslie ROBERTS (Sylvia FISHER18, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 10 Dec 1956 in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Immigrated: Israel.

Rael married Tomer ARBEL in 1981 in Israel. Tomer was born on 10 Dec 1959 in Ashkelon, Southern District, Israel.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 91    i. Li-ad ROBERTS was born on 25 Jul 1983 in Ashkelon, Southern District, Israel.

+ 92    ii. Tori ROBERTS was born in 1993 in Ashkelon, Southern District, Israel.

45. Alan Larry ROBERTS (Sylvia FISHER18, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 4 Sep 1962 in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Immigrated: 1978, Israel.

2. Immigrated: Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

46. Melanie WHITE (Rosie BENNETT20, Sarah HIRSOWITZ8, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 3 Jun 1952 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa. Another name for Melanie is Mel.

Noted events in her life were:

1. Immigrated: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

Melanie married Myron BERNSTEIN on 3 Sep 1972 in Klerksdorp, North West, South Africa. Myron was born on 29 Jan 1949 in Wee Waa , N.S.W., Australia, died on 20 Mar 2015 in Hong Kong, aged 66, and was buried in Macquarie Park Cemetery, Sydney.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 93    i. Noga BERNSTEIN was born on 6 Jul 1975 in Afula, Jezreel Valley, Israel.

+ 94    ii. Lisa BERNSTEIN was born on 7 Aug 1980 in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

47. Ian Anthony WHITE (Rosie BENNETT20, Sarah HIRSOWITZ8, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 1 Jan 1956 in Springs, Gauteng, South Africa.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Immigrated: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

Ian married Hilary WEINER on 16 Feb 1981 in South Africa. Hilary was born on 30 Nov 1957 in Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa.

Noted events in her life were:

1. Immigrated: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 95    i. Celste WHITE was born on 13 Apr 1988 in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

+ 96    ii. Ruth WHITE was born on 27 Apr 1994 in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

48. Avrille Marcia RATNER (Beatie Beatrice BENNETT21, Sarah HIRSOWITZ8, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 20 Oct 1940 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

Avrille married Claudio COEN on 15 Jul 1962 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa. Claudio was born on 29 Aug 1938 in Rome, Italy.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Immigrated: Durban, Natal, South Africa.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 97    i. Riccardo Ivo COEN was born on 7 Sep 1969 in Krugersdorp, Gauteng, South Africa.

+ 98    ii. Ilisa Carla COEN was born on 22 May 1973 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

49. Michael Selwyn RATNER (Beatie Beatrice BENNETT21, Sarah HIRSOWITZ8, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 11 Aug 1943 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Immigrated: Australia.

Michael married Sheila SAUL on 7 Feb 1965 in Durban, Natal, South Africa. Sheila was born on 16 Nov 1945 in Durban, Natal, South Africa.

Noted events in her life were:

1. Immigrated: Australia.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 99    i. Sharlene RATNER was born on 20 Oct 1967 in Durban, Natal, South Africa.

+ 100    ii. Joanne RATNER was born on 15 Oct 1969 in Durban, Natal, South Africa.

+ 101    iii. Gaby RATNER was born on 5 Dec 1976 in Durban, Natal, South Africa.

50. Carol FISHER (Mavis BENNETT22, Sarah HIRSOWITZ8, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 14 Sep 1947 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

Noted events in her life were:

1. Schooling: Bulawayo, Matabeleland, Rhodesia.

2. Immigrated: Perth, Western Australia, Australia.

Carol married Anthony DWORCAN on 20 Dec 1970 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa. Anthony was born on 27 Nov 1943 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 102    i. Michelle DWORCAN was born on 2 Dec 1971 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

+ 103    ii. Sean DWORCAN was born on 29 Aug 1975 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

+ 104    iii. Warren DWORCAN was born on 5 May 1981 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

51. Dr Laurence FISHER (Mavis BENNETT22, Sarah HIRSOWITZ8, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 3 Nov 1952 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Schooling: Bulawayo, Matabeleland, Rhodesia.

2. University: LRCP(EDIN) LRCS (EDIN) LRCP & S (GLAS) MB, CHB, (RHOD). Special interests include management of diabetes, preventative medicine, removal of skin lesions and minor surgery of skin cancers. Has been in general practice for over 33 years.

3. Immigrated: 1978, Perth, Western Australia, Australia.

Laurence married Marcia ALHADEFF on 27 Mar 1977 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa. Marcia was born on 15 Nov 1956 in Salisbury, Mashonaland, Rhodesia.

Noted events in her life were:

1. Immigrated: 1978, Perth, Western Australia, Australia.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 105    i. Daniel FISHER was born on 29 Oct 1979 in Perth, Western Australia, Australia.

+ 106    ii. Sandra FISHER was born on 16 Jun 1983 in Perth, Western Australia, Australia.


previous  Seventh Generation  Next

52. Kevin M. HERSON (Mervyn L.25, Isadore10, Morris Moshe Dov4, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 31 Jul 1973 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Immigrated: Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USA.

53. Gary D. HERSON (Mervyn L.25, Isadore10, Morris Moshe Dov4, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 11 Oct 1975 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Immigrated: Aliso Viejo, California, USA.

Gary married Alison OZIEL in USA. Alison was born on 2 Sep 1974 in Highland Park, New Jersey, USA.

54. Warren C. HERSON (Mervyn L.25, Isadore10, Morris Moshe Dov4, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 26 Jan 1977 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Immigrated: La Ventana, Baja California Sur, Mexico.

55. Jarrod GOLDIN (Loraine HERSON26, Isadore10, Morris Moshe Dov4, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 11 Mar 1970 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Immigrated: Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Jarrod married Stacie WEINGARTEN in 1997 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Stacie was born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 107    i. Aria GOLDIN was born on 26 Dec 1999 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

+ 108    ii. Kaya GOLDIN was born in 2005 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

56. Darren GOLDIN (Loraine HERSON26, Isadore10, Morris Moshe Dov4, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 13 Dec 1971 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Immigrated: Peterborough, Ontario, Canada.

Darren married Caryn in Canada. Caryn was born in Ontario, Canada.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 109    i. Abby GOLDIN was born in Ontario, Canada.

57. Ryan GOLDIN (Loraine HERSON26, Isadore10, Morris Moshe Dov4, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 8 Sep 1973 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Immigrated: Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Ryan married Ora SWARTZ in Ontario, Canada. Ora was born in Burlington, Ontario, Canada.

58. Kerry GOLDIN (Loraine HERSON26, Isadore10, Morris Moshe Dov4, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 11 Feb 1977 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

Kerry married Alister HADAD. Alister was born in Jamaica.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 110    i. Ayla HADAD was born in 2006 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

59. Doron POSNER (Adele HERSON28, Isadore10, Morris Moshe Dov4, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born Known in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Immigrated: Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Doron married Ashlee FIRSTEN on 31 Aug 2014 in Florida, USA. Ashlee was born Known in Florida, USA.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 111    i. POSNER was born in May 2016 in USA.

60. Romy POSNER (Adele HERSON28, Isadore10, Morris Moshe Dov4, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 27 Aug 1985 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

Noted events in her life were:

1. Immigrated: Chicago, Cook, Illinois.

61. Kira POSNER (Adele HERSON28, Isadore10, Morris Moshe Dov4, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 6 May 1990 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

Noted events in her life were:

1. Immigrated: USA.

62. Lotan HERSON (Lawrence29, Isadore10, Morris Moshe Dov4, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 4 Dec 1990 in Kfar Saba, Sharon region, Israel.

63. Orin HERSON (Lawrence29, Isadore10, Morris Moshe Dov4, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 8 Aug 1995 in Netanya, Sharon plain, Israel.

64. Aylon HERSON (Lawrence29, Isadore10, Morris Moshe Dov4, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 6 May 2000 in Netanya, Sharon plain, Israel.

65. Illan BONI (Carol HERSON30, Isadore10, Morris Moshe Dov4, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 19 Dec 1994 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

66. Sivan BONI (Carol HERSON30, Isadore10, Morris Moshe Dov4, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 10 Feb 1997 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

67. Darren Hylton BASS (Anita HIRSOWITZ32, Harry Tzvi Hirsh11, Charles Yechezkel6, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 5 Mar 1971 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

Darren married Michelle LERNER on 19 Apr 1997. Michelle was born on 5 May 1972 in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 112    i. Sean BASS was born on 19 May 2000 in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

+ 113    ii. Hayden BASS was born on 19 May 2000 in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

68. Ryan Anton BASS (Anita HIRSOWITZ32, Harry Tzvi Hirsh11, Charles Yechezkel6, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 15 Jan 1974 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

Ryan married Ruth KINGSLEY on 30 Jan 2005. Ruth was born on 26 May 1977 in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

69. Alana Mandy BASKIND (Brenda BABROW33, Renee HIRSOWITZ12, Charles Yechezkel6, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 5 Feb 1968 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

Noted events in her life were:

1. Immigrated: 1987, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

70. Stacey Lyn BASKIND (Brenda BABROW33, Renee HIRSOWITZ12, Charles Yechezkel6, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 26 Oct 1969 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

Noted events in her life were:

1. Immigrated: 1987, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

71. Clifford Mark BASKIND (Brenda BABROW33, Renee HIRSOWITZ12, Charles Yechezkel6, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 18 Sep 1972 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

72. Roi POPPLEWELL (Denise Adele LEVY36, Jessie FISHER13, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 24 Dec 1969 in Beer-Sheva, Negev, Israel, died on 7 Oct 2023 in Kibbutz Nirim, Negev, Israel, aged 53, and was buried in Kibbutz, Northern Israel, Israel.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Marriage: Apr 2012, Germany.

2. Death: 7 Oct 2023, Kibbutz Nirim, Negev, Israel. Murdered by Hamas in the storming of the kibbutz by terrorists from Gaza

73. Nadav POPPLEWELL (Denise Adele LEVY36, Jessie FISHER13, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 1 Apr 1972 in Beer-Sheva, Negev, Israel.

74. Ayelet POPPLEWELL (Denise Adele LEVY36, Jessie FISHER13, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 30 May 1977 in Beer-Sheva, Negev, Israel.

Ayelet married Eyal SVATIZKI. Eyal was born on 2 Dec 1976 in Israel.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 114    i. Mor SVATIZKI was born on 25 Nov 2005 in Haifa, Northern Israel, Israel.

75. Oliver B. FISHER (Yale Aarons FISHER38, Max FISHER14, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 25 Nov 1977 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

76. Julia E. FISHER (Yale Aarons FISHER38, Max FISHER14, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 17 Feb 1980 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

77. Nicholas FISHER (Yale Aarons FISHER38, Max FISHER14, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 25 Jul 1984 in London, England.

78. Dr Lisa KARABELNIK (Judith Heide FISHER39, Max FISHER14, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 11 Dec 1970 in Pennsylvania, USA.

Lisa married Peter Jason HARRIS in May 1999 in USA. Peter was born on 15 Nov 1969 in USA.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 115    i. Max J. HARRIS was born in May 2001 in Connecticut, USA.

+ 116    ii. Ethan HARRIS was born on 3 Aug 2004 in Connecticut, USA.

+ 117    iii. Joel HARRIS was born on 4 Sep 2006 in Connecticut, USA.

79. Garron KARABELNIK (Judith Heide FISHER39, Max FISHER14, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 6 Dec 1973 in Pennsylvania, USA.

Garron married Michelle SIMMONS in Oct 2005 in Pennsylvania, USA. Michelle was born on 15 Apr 1975 in California, USA.

80. Yael KARABELNIK (Judith Heide FISHER39, Max FISHER14, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 24 Oct 1975 in Pennsylvania, USA.

Yael married Charles David HOWELL in Aug 2000 in Pennsylvania, USA. Charles was born on 27 Feb 1974 in Dayton, Ohio, USA.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 118    i. Liad Caelyn HOWELL was born in California, USA.

+ 119    ii. Joshua Rhys HOWELL was born in California, USA.

81. Shani Lee FISHER (David Samuel FISHER40, Morris Bernard FISHER17, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 2 Apr 1988 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

Noted events in her life were:

1. Internet: MTA year in Israel and Poland trip, 2007. CLICK TO OPEN

2. Immigrated: 2013, Jerusalem, Israel.

Shani married Benjamin BIRENBAUM, son of Eli BIRENBAUM and Yvonne PUGATSCH, on 10 Dec 2017 in Giola Mia at Kibutz Nachshonim, Israel. Benjamin was born on 11 Jan 1981 in Tel Aviv, Gush Dan, Israel. Another name for Benjamin is Beni.

Noted events in their marriage were:

1. Wedding: 10 Dec 2017, Giola Mia at Kibutz Nachshonim, Israel.
Watch the video-

The child from this marriage was:

+ 120    i. Noga Rivka BIRENBAUM was born on 5 Sep 2022 in Tel Aviv, Gush Dan, Israel.

82. Bianca Lara FISHER (David Samuel FISHER40, Morris Bernard FISHER17, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 21 May 1994 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

Bianca married Russell KOWAL on 27 Feb 2022 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa. Russell was born on 6 Dec 1990 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

83. Talia Devorah FISHER (David Samuel FISHER40, Morris Bernard FISHER17, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 21 May 1994 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

84. Bradley Lance FISHER (Michael Isadore FISHER41, Morris Bernard FISHER17, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 23 Jan 1987 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

85. Leora FISHER (Michael Isadore FISHER41, Morris Bernard FISHER17, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 2 Sep 1993 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

86. Tanya FISHER (Michael Isadore FISHER41, Morris Bernard FISHER17, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 5 Aug 1998 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

87. Cydney Lea SHORKEND (Beverley Rachelle FISHER42, Morris Bernard FISHER17, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 18 Aug 1992 in Los Angeles, California, USA.

Cydney married Justin Nathaniel DELEMO on 18 Sep 2021 in Los Angeles, California, USA. Justin was born on 27 Mar 1992 in Alameda, California, USA. Another name for Justin is Daniel.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 121    i. Dylan DELEMO was born on 3 Dec 2022 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USA.

88. Erin Rose SHORKEND (Beverley Rachelle FISHER42, Morris Bernard FISHER17, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 25 May 1995 in Los Angeles, California, USA.

89. Martine ROBERTS (Steven Ivan ROBERTS43, Sylvia FISHER18, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 28 Jul 1983 in Moss, Norway. Another name for Martine is KVÆRNER.

Martine married Espen KREGNES on 9 Jul 2017 in Skjærhalden, Norway. Espen was born in Oslo, Norway.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 122    i. Conrad KREGNES was born in 2015 in Oslo, Norway.

+ 123    ii. Edgar KREGNES was born in 2018 in Oslo, Norway.

90. Pernille ROBERTS (Steven Ivan ROBERTS43, Sylvia FISHER18, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 22 Jul 1988 in Moss, Norway.

Pernille married "UNKNOWN". Marriage status: unmarried. "UNKNOWN" was born in Korea.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 124    i. Nikolas ROBERTS was born on 17 Jun 2019 in Oslo, Norway.

91. Li-ad ROBERTS (Rael Leslie ROBERTS44, Sylvia FISHER18, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 25 Jul 1983 in Ashkelon, Southern District, Israel.

Li-ad married Idan KFIR on 17 Jun 2014 in Tel Aviv, Gush Dan, Israel. Idan was born on 12 May 1979 in Israel.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 125    i. Rani KFIR was born on 6 Dec 2016 in Tel Aviv, Gush Dan, Israel.

+ 126    ii. Leni KFIR was born on 8 Apr 2018 in Tel Aviv, Gush Dan, Israel.

+ 127    iii. Yali KFIR was born on 18 Sep 2022 in Cayman Islands.

92. Tori ROBERTS (Rael Leslie ROBERTS44, Sylvia FISHER18, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born in 1993 in Ashkelon, Southern District, Israel.

93. Noga BERNSTEIN (Melanie WHITE46, Rosie BENNETT20, Sarah HIRSOWITZ8, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 6 Jul 1975 in Afula, Jezreel Valley, Israel.

Noga married Jason Mark EDELSTEIN on 4 Jun 2006. Jason was born on 9 Jul 1975 in Australia.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 128    i. Jesse EDELSTEIN was born in Australia.

+ 129    ii. Asher Bennett EDELSTEIN was born in Australia.

94. Lisa BERNSTEIN (Melanie WHITE46, Rosie BENNETT20, Sarah HIRSOWITZ8, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 7 Aug 1980 in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

95. Celste WHITE (Ian Anthony WHITE47, Rosie BENNETT20, Sarah HIRSOWITZ8, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 13 Apr 1988 in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

96. Ruth WHITE (Ian Anthony WHITE47, Rosie BENNETT20, Sarah HIRSOWITZ8, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 27 Apr 1994 in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

97. Riccardo Ivo COEN (Avrille Marcia RATNER48, Beatie Beatrice BENNETT21, Sarah HIRSOWITZ8, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 7 Sep 1969 in Krugersdorp, Gauteng, South Africa.

98. Ilisa Carla COEN (Avrille Marcia RATNER48, Beatie Beatrice BENNETT21, Sarah HIRSOWITZ8, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 22 May 1973 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

99. Sharlene RATNER (Michael Selwyn RATNER49, Beatie Beatrice BENNETT21, Sarah HIRSOWITZ8, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 20 Oct 1967 in Durban, Natal, South Africa.

Noted events in her life were:

1. Immigrated: Perth, Western Australia, Australia.

Sharlene married Evan Harris TOISTER in Perth, Western Australia, Australia. Evan was born on 23 Aug 1965 in Perth, Western Australia, Australia.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 130    i. Samara Jayde TOISTER was born on 7 Mar 1997 in Perth, Western Australia, Australia.

+ 131    ii. Jarred Ethan TOISTER was born on 1 Nov 1999 in Perth, Western Australia, Australia.

+ 132    iii. Lia Paige TOISTER was born on 10 May 2004 in Perth, Western Australia, Australia.

100. Joanne RATNER (Michael Selwyn RATNER49, Beatie Beatrice BENNETT21, Sarah HIRSOWITZ8, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 15 Oct 1969 in Durban, Natal, South Africa.

Noted events in her life were:

1. Immigrated: Australia.

Joanne married Arik STAR in 1999 in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Arik was born in Israel.

Noted events in his life were:

1. Immigrated: Australia.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 133    i. Mathew STAR was born in 2000 in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

+ 134    ii. Ethan STAR was born on 4 Feb 2004 in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

+ 135    iii. Ava STAR was born on 4 Feb 2004 in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

101. Gaby RATNER (Michael Selwyn RATNER49, Beatie Beatrice BENNETT21, Sarah HIRSOWITZ8, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 5 Dec 1976 in Durban, Natal, South Africa.

Noted events in her life were:

1. Immigrated: Australia.

102. Michelle DWORCAN (Carol FISHER50, Mavis BENNETT22, Sarah HIRSOWITZ8, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 2 Dec 1971 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

103. Sean DWORCAN (Carol FISHER50, Mavis BENNETT22, Sarah HIRSOWITZ8, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 29 Aug 1975 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

104. Warren DWORCAN (Carol FISHER50, Mavis BENNETT22, Sarah HIRSOWITZ8, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 5 May 1981 in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

105. Daniel FISHER (Dr Laurence FISHER51, Mavis BENNETT22, Sarah HIRSOWITZ8, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 29 Oct 1979 in Perth, Western Australia, Australia.

106. Sandra FISHER (Dr Laurence FISHER51, Mavis BENNETT22, Sarah HIRSOWITZ8, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 16 Jun 1983 in Perth, Western Australia, Australia.


previous  Eighth Generation

107. Aria GOLDIN (Jarrod GOLDIN55, Loraine HERSON26, Isadore10, Morris Moshe Dov4, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 26 Dec 1999 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

108. Kaya GOLDIN (Jarrod GOLDIN55, Loraine HERSON26, Isadore10, Morris Moshe Dov4, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born in 2005 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

109. Abby GOLDIN (Darren GOLDIN56, Loraine HERSON26, Isadore10, Morris Moshe Dov4, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born in Ontario, Canada.

110. Ayla HADAD (Kerry GOLDIN58, Loraine HERSON26, Isadore10, Morris Moshe Dov4, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born in 2006 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

111. POSNER (Doron POSNER59, Adele HERSON28, Isadore10, Morris Moshe Dov4, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born in May 2016 in USA.

112. Sean BASS (Darren Hylton BASS67, Anita HIRSOWITZ32, Harry Tzvi Hirsh11, Charles Yechezkel6, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 19 May 2000 in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

113. Hayden BASS (Darren Hylton BASS67, Anita HIRSOWITZ32, Harry Tzvi Hirsh11, Charles Yechezkel6, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 19 May 2000 in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

114. Mor SVATIZKI (Ayelet POPPLEWELL74, Denise Adele LEVY36, Jessie FISHER13, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 25 Nov 2005 in Haifa, Northern Israel, Israel.

115. Max J. HARRIS (Dr Lisa KARABELNIK78, Judith Heide FISHER39, Max FISHER14, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born in May 2001 in Connecticut, USA.

116. Ethan HARRIS (Dr Lisa KARABELNIK78, Judith Heide FISHER39, Max FISHER14, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 3 Aug 2004 in Connecticut, USA.

117. Joel HARRIS (Dr Lisa KARABELNIK78, Judith Heide FISHER39, Max FISHER14, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 4 Sep 2006 in Connecticut, USA.

118. Liad Caelyn HOWELL (Yael KARABELNIK80, Judith Heide FISHER39, Max FISHER14, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born in California, USA.

119. Joshua Rhys HOWELL (Yael KARABELNIK80, Judith Heide FISHER39, Max FISHER14, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born in California, USA.

120. Noga Rivka BIRENBAUM (Shani Lee FISHER81, David Samuel FISHER40, Morris Bernard FISHER17, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 5 Sep 2022 in Tel Aviv, Gush Dan, Israel.

121. Dylan DELEMO (Cydney Lea SHORKEND87, Beverley Rachelle FISHER42, Morris Bernard FISHER17, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 3 Dec 2022 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USA.

122. Conrad KREGNES (Martine ROBERTS89, Steven Ivan ROBERTS43, Sylvia FISHER18, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born in 2015 in Oslo, Norway.

123. Edgar KREGNES (Martine ROBERTS89, Steven Ivan ROBERTS43, Sylvia FISHER18, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born in 2018 in Oslo, Norway.

124. Nikolas ROBERTS (Pernille ROBERTS90, Steven Ivan ROBERTS43, Sylvia FISHER18, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 17 Jun 2019 in Oslo, Norway.

125. Rani KFIR (Li-ad ROBERTS91, Rael Leslie ROBERTS44, Sylvia FISHER18, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 6 Dec 2016 in Tel Aviv, Gush Dan, Israel.

126. Leni KFIR (Li-ad ROBERTS91, Rael Leslie ROBERTS44, Sylvia FISHER18, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 8 Apr 2018 in Tel Aviv, Gush Dan, Israel.

127. Yali KFIR (Li-ad ROBERTS91, Rael Leslie ROBERTS44, Sylvia FISHER18, Rachel Leah HIRSOWITZ7, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 18 Sep 2022 in Cayman Islands.

128. Jesse EDELSTEIN (Noga BERNSTEIN93, Melanie WHITE46, Rosie BENNETT20, Sarah HIRSOWITZ8, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born in Australia.

129. Asher Bennett EDELSTEIN (Noga BERNSTEIN93, Melanie WHITE46, Rosie BENNETT20, Sarah HIRSOWITZ8, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born in Australia.

130. Samara Jayde TOISTER (Sharlene RATNER99, Michael Selwyn RATNER49, Beatie Beatrice BENNETT21, Sarah HIRSOWITZ8, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 7 Mar 1997 in Perth, Western Australia, Australia.

131. Jarred Ethan TOISTER (Sharlene RATNER99, Michael Selwyn RATNER49, Beatie Beatrice BENNETT21, Sarah HIRSOWITZ8, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 1 Nov 1999 in Perth, Western Australia, Australia.

132. Lia Paige TOISTER (Sharlene RATNER99, Michael Selwyn RATNER49, Beatie Beatrice BENNETT21, Sarah HIRSOWITZ8, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 10 May 2004 in Perth, Western Australia, Australia.

133. Mathew STAR (Joanne RATNER100, Michael Selwyn RATNER49, Beatie Beatrice BENNETT21, Sarah HIRSOWITZ8, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born in 2000 in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

134. Ethan STAR (Joanne RATNER100, Michael Selwyn RATNER49, Beatie Beatrice BENNETT21, Sarah HIRSOWITZ8, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 4 Feb 2004 in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

135. Ava STAR (Joanne RATNER100, Michael Selwyn RATNER49, Beatie Beatrice BENNETT21, Sarah HIRSOWITZ8, Meyer Simcha3, Mordechai2, Shimkha1) was born on 4 Feb 2004 in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

PLEASE COULD YOU SEND ME UPDATES Corrections and Additions are greatly appreciated. You can contact me by email if you are interested in finding family connections, and recording their genealogy for future generations. david@fisherfamily.za.net

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